Jazzchange tour starts today!

Jazzchange tour starts today!

The Jazzchange project was created to connect venues, performers, genres and European cities. And we start the tour of two great bands: the Slovenian Astrid & The Scandals and the Czech masters of psychedelia Marcel Gidote’s Holy Crab!

Astrid & The Scandals (SI)

Marcel Gidote’s Holy Crab

5/11 ➜ DRESDEN (DE) ➜ Jazzclub Tonne
6/11 ➜ PRAGUE (CZ) ➜ Kampus Hybernská
7/11 ➜ OLOMOUC (CZ) ➜ Jazz Tibet Club
8/11 ➜ LJUBLJANA (SI) ➜ Ljubljanski grad / Ljubljana Castle
9/11 ➜ MARIBOR (SI) ➜ Narodni dom Maribor

TICKETS ➜ linktr.ee/jazzchange

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